Thursday, April 29, 2010
more esoteric bullshit.
Two whispers:
it starts slow and cold
chills that begin with the neck
and work down the arms,
to the knees
and to the feet.
Quickly, but on looking back
each raised hair is a memory,
one by one Pronouncing,
"I am here" and "you
remember me",
"you can be who you wanted to be,
you can be what you thought."
Acid is what makes the days go so leniently by
lacking will
But spirit like two whispers
reminds the deep corners that it is possible
to find yourself
inside yourself.
It is possible
to live without fear,
to go out into the world with
hands at sides
instead of covering eyes.
“I cannot paint what then I was”
but I can,
and such remembrance causes synapse to fire:
Emotion in direction,
Emotion in motion.
I cannot paint what now I am:
but not lost,
off track and kilter,
My name is spelled correctly:
I am not.
Coffee cakes crumbles,
sour milk...
yesterday thoughts.
Then sighs and ah,
airflow humming those
sweet whispers in my ears,
delicate and strange,
begging to be heard,
to listen to,
to be listened to.
There is music where there
was none.
There is beauty where there
was None.
in the middle,
like a child waiting anxiously to grow up,
not knowing how, really, or even understanding,
but somehow sensing the ebb and flow
of good air in and out
of lungs, good blood running hot and feverish,
the precognition of who will
emerge when transformation
is finally complete,
but never whole;
only half can ever come to reason.
Life is on and on and on.
So then, shall I be with you?
And you with me?
Spirit sweet like whispers creeping slow
in my ear,
Spirit calling softly, then so loud and thunderous like a thousand voices all clammering to be righted and returned to the place where even wild man dreams make pure sense.
Somewhere inside the spark insists upon growing,
"I can be who I am supposed to be."
paper writing is hard.
What road makes me travel on so far can’t be so long.
I’d be damned to bend and break before the destination,
but these knees support only so much
and this weight has grown too heavy
to bare much more.
The cool air refreshed a moment too short.
Hot lungs seek one last reprieve, a heave and sigh;
we’ll never make it.
I peep a head higher just to glance what makes it’s way.
The blow diverges this skull, brain open for decision.
Deep breaths make this soul less weary.
What can I bring to show my worth but my own pen?
These inks display skill of form, Skill of Nothing.
We take organization and make it god.
I feel too weak to disobey.
Insert header here proves stifling, stiff, and gory on my paper.
No lines, I asked. 81/2x11 is poetry.
nothing is working nothing is working
there are no words here and really never were
we can’t find them anymore
shes taken them and hidden them away
deep deep
where no one can find them
she wont whisper i love you
she wont say anything
she just sits back
and watches
and laughs
wont let us out this time
stuck inside forced to eat what she does
fathom what comes
what evil she does when she is
the serf
we are crazy in here and we do not know the way out
she wont let us go
toes curl up on the vine
fat and purple little grapes smash
and juice
under the pressure this will pop too
if one hand would reach up to the light
then fingers could go on working what they will
but then again
the memory of choking seems so sweet
burning hair
penny taste of blood
lick those fat lips this wicked tastes so fancy
silver hot and tender to the touch
Silky black like toasted Brains. Make me whole you sick fucking beast.
sweet jonny
sweet jonny
or, dear boy; but lost
favorite son of Prince Stanly
of proudest men in his
big blackwool over coat
qouth the mourningdove:
“don’t forget to keep your chest warm”
High Shine: shoes with
buttons out not
on top
like, when we were kids
and thy grand est old oak
(deciduous forest green and brown like earth and like lust)
couldn’t, wouldn’t
shake us from
That Knowledge
right. and then
there always, is wrong
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